Friday, September 9, 2011

Region Race Course Map

I asked the cross country coach at Richfield High School to send me the link to the course map that he posted on-line. You can view the map in a street view or a satellite view (I prefer the satellite view); you can also view the elevation gains (which I found very helpful).

Here is the link. Region Course Map Link

A couple of observations about the course:

1) The course in 2.85 miles long

2) The course has a very slight uphill for the first .40 miles

3) The hardest part of the course is between .40 miles and .80 miles - there is a 60 foot elevation gain over that part of the course; an average of 3% uphill grade. Challenging but very attainable with practice.

4) After the .80 mile uphill it is all downhill to the finish line with the steepest decline from between 1.25 miles and 1.75 miles.

5) When you make the right turn onto 100 north you have less than 1/2 mile to go.

6) When you hit the track you have 300 yards to the finish line - time to start an all-out sprint to the finish!

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